
Day 5

Long day. Seriously. Epic.

The kind that makes you want to live in a blanket fort.

Le sigh.

Tomorrow will better. Yes, it will. Because tomorrow I can test drive my latest maxim:

Go. Do.

Simple. But I feel that it's a phrase that says in two words, what most would try to convey in twenty. Besides, didn't da Vinci declare simplicity the ultimte form of sophistication?

I won't soil it with my own seudo-intellectual analysis (now there's restraint!), instead I'll just leave it to your own interpretation.

What do you think when you see those words? Do they pass you by or make you turn your head for a second glance? Let me know.

In the meantime, allow me to take a moment to thank heaven for sweet friends who lend you three (!) sheets of paper, books and give you rides home with the promise to pick you up again in the morning. Also for soft reclining chairs in the planetarium. And gold fish crackers. And this, for keeping me giggling under my breath all day; people probably think I'm insane.

Cheers to the little things. And that everyday isn't Wednesday.

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