
Day 35


In an attempt to demonstrate selfless acts of service, I feel as though it is my duty to recognize the the same in others. Ergo the following excerpt from a conversation between me (standing at a respectable 5'7") and an old friend (who barely tips the height-o-meter at 5'1").

Consider this a kind of public service announcement to all women of the dating world.


Friend: Sometimes I'll see a tall guy that I think is really cute, but I never do anything because I want to make sure that they're available for the tall girls. It's only fair.

God bless her and all those like her.

I case you're interested I'm looking for 6' and taller. Keep your eyes out.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!!!
    Didnt we talk about this the other day??
    Tell your friend thankyou! haha
