
Day 1

A large part of this project is an attempt to keep a more positive outlook in all things. I can caught up in life's snarky details without too much effort, so it's entirely possible that this will be a larger challenge than I realize.

Take today for example. New Years Day is almost always a lazy day in may family. We stay home in our pajamas and watch TV or read or nap and eat lots of leftovers.

It's a party.

This year we did all this and went for dinner here like we've done for the past several holiday seasons. It was a treat I had been looking forward to for weeks, but once we were there and seated, I felt like all the air had been let out of my sails. Perhaps a more accurate description was that I felt like my heart had been kicked in the balls and left in a dark ally to whimper in defeat.

Also a party.

If we're being completely honest, this feeling hasn't entirely dissipated.

Now calm down. I know your thinking, "Wow, check out Debbie Downer over here. Some positive thinking site. No thanks, I'm just going to shuffle my little feet along to the next blog and quietly stalk some upper middle class family's Christmas pics. Oh look! Timmy got a Tonka!"

Back it up, Sparky. The good part is coming soon.

So after nearly breaking down in tears in the backseat of the car on the drive back, I got home and shuffled myself upstairs to work on this stupid inspiring thing.


I hadn't freaking done anything! There were no fabulous acts of kindness or great feats of learning to be shared.

Blog fail. On the first day. Oh boy.

(Here comes the good part)

That's when I remembered I had done laundry. And I needed to put my sheets in the dryer so they'd be ready for bed at the same time I would be. That way I would get to crawl into a snug, warm, nice smelling cocoon at the end of my uneventful turned emotional roller-coaster day.


Alright children, here's the epiphany you've been itching for.

Some days the best things are something as simple as sheets.

It's anticlimactic, I'm the first to admit, but heck if you're going to have a day where all you want is to go back to bed, it might as well be the most inviting son-of-a-bed there ever was.

Now if you'll excuse me I think I just heard the dryer beep.

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